The research involved the creation and performance of works exploring Eco-structural principals in which data derived from natural sources is used to define musical structures. A number of approaches were investigated including sonification of images (Nature forms I [2014]), annotation of spectrograms (small waves raised by the evening [2016], nature forms II [2016], morphological representation of sounds (acid fury [2015], bascule [2015]), preprocessing of field recordings (Murmurs trapped in the bark [2014], Tokyo Avian Sound Ark [2016])A set of techniques were developed in which instruments are coordinated via synchronised scrolling presentation using range of visualisation forms unique to the works: sonigraphic notation, generative analysis rendering software developed by the composer and extended Common practice notation. A number of approaches to sonfication/resynthesis were employed to render the electronic components including: additive synthesis to resonify spectrogram images, Ring Modulation synthesis, Subtractive synthesis using frequency and amplitude data detected in the recording to bandpass filter white-noise; “spectral freezing” of components of the field recording to create spectrally derived chords from features of the recording and processing to create a polyrhythmic web of sound.The works were performed in Tokyo (Tokyo Wonder Site Residency, Yamanashi, Kunitachi College and Tokyo Metropolitan Universities), Athens (ICMC), Cambridge UK (TENOR), Hartford (Hartt School), Sydney (ACMC), Brisbane (Griffith University), Canberra (ANU) and Perth. The research formed the basis for papers in the journal Contemporary Music Review and TENOR, International and Australasian Computer Music conferences.
Vickery, L., O'Callaghan, J., Terren, M. (2017). Ideo/techno/logical shifts towards non-anthropogenic sound. Leonardo (forthcoming).
Vickery, L., (2016). Hybrid Real/Mimetic Sound Works. Proc. of Tenor 2016, 19-24, Cambridge, UK.
Vickery, L., Terren, M., Gillies, S., Myburgh, J., (2016). Between the Real and the Imaginary: Ecostructural Approaches to Composing with Field Recordings and Acoustic Instruments. Proc. of Australasian Comp. Music Conf. 2016, Brisbane Australia, 81-89.
Vickery, L., O'Callaghan, J., Terren, M. (2017). Ideo/techno/logical shifts towards non-anthropogenic sound. Leonardo (forthcoming).
Vickery, L., (2016). Hybrid Real/Mimetic Sound Works. Proc. of Tenor 2016, 19-24, Cambridge, UK.
Vickery, L., Terren, M., Gillies, S., Myburgh, J., (2016). Between the Real and the Imaginary: Ecostructural Approaches to Composing with Field Recordings and Acoustic Instruments. Proc. of Australasian Comp. Music Conf. 2016, Brisbane Australia, 81-89.