19971025 10/25/97 1st Totally Huge New Music Festival The Playhouse October 1997 Amy Knoles and Magnetic Pig The Playhouse leo szilard web of indra 19971024 10/24/97 1st Totally Huge New Music Festival The Playhouse October 1997 Magnetic Pig The Playhouse [descent of the celestial monkey wrench]
19971004 10/4/97 Sound Suck Stelarc The Station Improv 19970817 8/17/97 New Music by Western Australian Composers ABC Basil Kirke Studio Dice Game Leo Szilard
19970717 7/17/97 Lindsay Vickery Lindsay Vickery Octagon UWA Dice Game
19970713 7/13/97 Avant Garden Crazy Steve, Shane Pooley and Pete Guazelli Steves Pub Guest Improvisor
19970507 5/7/97 zero interupt Magnetic Pig UWA Callaway dicegame
19970502 5/2/97 Sound States Uncertain Destinations Lindsay Vickery PICA Garden of Delight
19970411 7/11/97 rendez-vous: an opera noir, after the Novel Djinn by Alain Robbe-Grillet. Libretto by the Composer: Magnetic Pig Waapa Auditorium rendez-vous: an opera noir, after the Novel Djinn by Alain Robbe-Grillet. Libretto by the Composer:
19970330 3/30/97 Reclaiming Spirit Lindsay Vickery Murdoch University strange tides (redraw my boundaries...)