19961026 10/26/96 magnetic pig and axis 21 magnetic pig and axis 21 Callaway Blackpool Tower: Elegy for John Lennon Leo Szilard Three Songs from Rendez-vous
19951031 10/31/95 New Australian Vocal Music Andrew Foote and Mark Coughlan Fantasia on the trial of Ern Malley
19951019 10/19/95 Magnetic Pig Magnetic Pig Callaway 27matrix
19940799 1994/07/99 Rendezvous - Workshop Callaway
19940303 3/3/94 Satori Satori Somerville Auditorium UWA Suntrap
19931201 12/1/93 Nova Ensemble WAAPA Auditorium Solar/Lunar Music
19931009 10/9/93 ABCFM LIVE BROADCAST Peter Ellis ABC Basil Kirke Studio invisible symmetries
19930630 6/30/93 dance for a pastime PICA
19930623 6/23/93 lindsay vickery and jonathan mustard WAYO Wind Dectet perth mod to tame the wild winds
19930423 4/23/93 BIG MAGNETIC PIG GIG Magnetic Pig Fly by Night Phase Matrix Cyphers Web of Indra
19921014 10/14/92 Magnetic Pig plays Robosax Magnetic Pig James Street Night Club Cyphers of the Obscure Gods The Giant is Speaking Through You NaHEEtoh Koorahboo
19920723 7/23/92 Fluid Rhythm alea new music ensemble Callaway Auditorium UWA Big Picture